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ac power source programmable - dc/ac power supply-Preen ac power corp. 2017/11/16


The series ?EPS/HC 3000? of EPS Electronic Power Supplies is a range of adjustable, high DC current switched mode sources offering standard output voltages from 6V up to 30V, output currents up to 3000A and output power ratings up to 39kW (different other output voltages/currents/power ratings upon request). The units are used in high-power environments such as electroplating as well Plasma (surface treatment, hardening), multiple industrial applications (powering of electric engine starters, DC motors, automatic end-of-line test systems for the testing of contactors, relays, switches) and heavy duty components in general.
All units are short-circuit proofed and overload protected. A switch-off, with a defined restart, takes place at mains undervoltage or overvoltage.
The modules are by standard without control.
The power modules can be controlled via the optional, external and comfortable LCD user panel ?EPS/HC280?.
Optionally analog or digital interfaces for RS485, Profibus and USB-Adapter (on analog) are available to control all the functions via a PC. The integrated shunt output connector on the rear of the system provides a shunting signal of 0-60mV for 0? Inenn; models up to 15kW has it integrated on the device plug.

KeyWords Tag:leading test and measurement power supply provider-Preen

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